KINGS Students Tackle Energy Transition Challenges

KINGS Students Tackle Energy Transition Challenges
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At Gréoux Research, we are passionate about delivering engaging presentations that spark dialogue and drive action. Recently, we had the privilege of collaborating with KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) to equip young professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle one of the most pressing challenges of our time: transitioning away from coal-based energy production.

Unveiling the Complexity

Phasing out coal, though vital for fighting climate change, presents a complex challenge. While it has long been a cornerstone of affordable energy, it also comes with heavy environmental repercussions. Socially and culturally, coal mining is deeply ingrained in certain communities, making the transition disruptive. Additionally, coal provides dispatchable, 24/7 electricity and district heating, and a variety of grid services. Replacing it with intermittent renewables can potentially affect the entire energy system.

An Immersive Learning Experience

Central to our engagement with KINGS students was an live interactive session. Divided into groups, the participants were tasked with designing a coal-free energy mix for a hypothetical country with specific demands for electricity, district heating, and hydrogen. The use of an energy system simulator allowed students to see the concrete implications of their choices and fostered healthy competition and collaboration.

Learning Through Gamification

By incorporating gamification principles into the session, we created a captivating and stimulating environment, transforming passive learning into an active and enjoyable experience. Through simulations and group interactions, participants not only absorbed theoretical knowledge but also actively participated in problem-solving, gaining a deeper insight into the complexities of energy transition issues.

Transform Your Presentations

Do you want to make your presentations more engaging and impactful? We are here to assist! Feel free to contact us via LinkedIn, WhatsApp, or email.

Gréoux Research
Enabling the transition to a low-carbon future

Gréoux Research is a privately owned energy research lab. Our mission is to help governments and businesses navigate the evolving landscape of power systems and energy markets, facilitating the transition to a low-carbon future.

  About Gréoux Research