Bootstrap Icons in WordPress-based websites

  March 01, 2024     , ,
Bootstrap Icons in WordPress-based websites
Microsoft Office 365 Stock Photo

Bootstrap Icons is an open-source icon library for Bootstrap, a popular framework for developing elegant, fully responsive websites. It includes over 2000 icons, covering a wide range of topics from business and finance to social media and technology.

Our Bootstrap Icons Plugin makes it possible to insert Bootstrap Icons (1.11.0) into WordPress-based websites, elevating their aesthetics and functionalities.

How it works?

Install and activate the Plugin, and then add custom HTML codes into your WordPress posts and pages.

The icon – for example – can be inserted using the following HTML code:

Gréoux Research
Enabling the transition to a low-carbon future

Gréoux Research is a privately owned energy research lab. This section of the website offers access to a collection of scripts and tools that support both our website and the embedded apps. Feel free to check out our GitHub repository for additional resources.

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